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Jews don't recognize Jesus as the Messiah, and Blame Paul for Misinterpreting the Book of Isaiah
The REAL REASON Why the Jewish People Reject Jesus as Messiah
Forget the Past | Isaiah 43 | Gary Hamrick
The Suffering Servant Isaiah 53 Guest Speaker John MacArthur
Did Jesus Abolish the Food Laws? A Biblical Examination
Is Jesus/Yeshua the Servant in Isaiah 53?
Churches never preach this verse! How can we have atonement without a sacrifice? Rabbi Tovia Singer
We Asked Strangers in NYC: Is Jesus the Messiah?
The one Quran verse that made me a Christian
The INCREDIBLE Explanation of Heaven You've NEVER HEARD BEFORE | N.T. Wright | Praise on TBN
The Most Hated Christian Doctrine
What the SECOND COMING of Christ Looks Like | N.T. Wright | Praise on TBN